Human-AI-Robot Teaming Technical Group

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  • 1.  HART TG Reviewer Sign-up

    Posted 11 days ago

    Hello HART TG,

    I hope you all have a great start to the year. 

    The ASPIRE conference extended abstract submission due is almost here. We are seeking reviewers for the ASPIRE 2025, please consider serving as a reviewer. 

    This year, instead of distributing TG-specific reviewer sign-up link, we will use ASPIRE reviewer sign-up form. Please use the below link to sign up (please consider HART TG on your TG selections ;) ).

    Similar to last year, we will have two steps for the submissions:

    "1st step: Submission for acceptance to present at conference:
    Submit an extended abstract (for most submission types) that is reviewed for acceptance to present at the conference 

    2nd step: Submission for acceptance for publication in proceedings:
    Authors may decide to submit either a revised extended abstract or a 5-page paper for consideration for publication in the proceedings."

    Please consider being a reviewer for HART TG.  

    Thank you for your support!

    Güliz Tokadlı, HART TG Program Chair 

    X. Jessie Yang, HART TG Program Vice-chair 

    X. Jessie Yang
    Ann Arbor MI