Sustainability Technical Group

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Looking for future HFES leaders

  • 1.  Looking for future HFES leaders

    Posted 15 days ago
    Sustainabilty Technical Group looks for young members for communications director, social media lead, website lead and newsletter lead

    Many of you may have seen this announcement on LinkedIn, but wanted to share here to get the right  people into leadership roles in the Sustainability technical group. Appreciate your help in spreading the word to the young people you know.

    The Vision: I am looking to fill 4 key communication roles in my group: Communication Director, Website Lead, Social Media Lead, and Newsletter. My vision is to have students, new grads or early career folks (not already immersed in their first job) in these roles ideally from different schools across the nation to capitalize on the synergy, skillset, and knowledge this group would bring. I'm hoping having four young people will create an energy that creates a "What-if" mentality that will help us tap into new problems that HFES hasn't gotten to yet. With the current megastar leadership and the rising student potential, we will have the ability to solve those problems. It's an exciting place to be.

    The Ask: Hi! As the chair of the Human Factors & Ergonomics Society (HFES) Sustainability Technical Group, I am looking to fill some leadership positions with students, new grads, and early career people from across the nation who would like a leadership position that will get them in the pipeline for more advance roles in the Society. I am looking for people for my communications team including the Communications Director, Website Lead, Newsletter Lead and Social Media Lead. Talk to me if you have any questions or email our group at

    Shraddha Swaroop
    Sustainability Technical Group, chair
    Apply: Communications team roles
    Google Docs remove preview
    Communications team roles
    Human Factors & Ergonomics Society (HFES) Sustainability Technical Group (STG) is looking for a communication team to support its objectives for 2025. Each role is for 1 year with TG and descriptions can be found below along with the application.
    View this on Google Docs >

    Shraddha Swaroop
    Research Data Analyst
    Huntington Beach CA