People of Color Affinity Group

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  • 1.  First BIPOC AG Newsletter

    Posted 09-18-2023 11:51
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    Dear BIPOC AG Community,

    πŸŽ‰ We are happy to share our first BIPOC AG newsletter! πŸŽ‰ Find out what we have been up to and learn about our social and panels occurring during HFES 2023 in Washington, DC this October.

    Please feel free to view the newsletter from our website: or downloading the attached PDF.

    As a friendly reminder, don't forget to register for our webinar with Dr. Rod Roscoe and Dr. Renaldo Blocker on Tuesday, September 19th!

    We look forward to connecting with you in the following ways:

    See you all at HFES 2023!

    Vickie Nguyen
    HFES BIPOC AG Communications Committee
