This is a kind reminder that we have our monthly HART TG member conversation tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb 22nd, at 12 pm eastern time, with lightning talk speaker
Dr. Cheryl Geisler, on the topic of
Analyzing Streams of Language. Please check out my original post about her open access book and the potential plan to host a workshop on verbal data analysis in the Human-AI-Robot Teaming research area.
I know some of you are busy catching up on the HFES2022 submission deadline. Hope all goes well.
Zoom Link: ID: 897 7395 7868Password: hart2022 HART TG Member conversation agenda and minutes------------------------------
Lixiao Huang, PhD
Associate Research Scientist
Arizona State University
Original Message:
Sent: 02-02-2022 18:04
From: Lixiao Huang
Subject: February 2022 HART TG Member Conversations
Dear HART TG members,
We will continue to host our monthly HART TG Member Conversations on the last Tuesday of each month at 12 pm ET. This is a great learning and network opportunity in HART TG.
Our February event will be on Tue, Feb 22nd, at 12 pm ET. The topic of the lightning talk will be Analyzing Streams of Language. Our invited lighting talk speaker is Dr. Cheryl Geisler. There will be time for small group discussions and networking.
Dr. Cheryl Geisler is a Professor of Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University. A recognized expert on verbal data coding, she authored Analyzing Streams of Language (2004), edited a special section of the Journal of Writing Research on emerging methods in the analysis of texts (2016), and wrote an article on coding in the April 2018 issue of Written Communication. With Jason Swarts as co-author, she has just published Coding Streams of Language downloadable without cost from
Dr. Cheryl's open access book was sent to HART TG members in the annual TG newsletter in December 2021. If you have not had a chance to read it, now is the time to read it. We will host follow-up workshops on the method focusing on HART-related verbal data. If you have questions to decide whether to join the workshop, you can ask Dr. Cheryl at this meeting.
The meeting link and calendar invite should have been sent to your registered member email address and is also pasted below:
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 897 7395 7868
Password: hart
2022 HART TG Member conversation agenda and minutes
Best regards,
Lixiao Huang, PhD
Associate Research Scientist
Arizona State University