Council of Technical Groups

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Community forum for the Council of Technical Group chairs
  • 1.  TG Related Questions

    Posted 08-14-2020 12:56
    Morning all,

    I am the chair of both CEDM and Education TGs and I will be holding an officer meeting next week to discuss a number of things. I do have some questions for all of you though so I can be more informed and share this information with my officers:
    1. What is the best way to advertise and solicit nominations for the open officer positions? Through the website community group?? Any other suggestions?
    2. I have been told that HFES can organize an election poll. Have any of you used this and how did you like it? I could just create my own election poll through Qualtrics but wanted to see what others did and how you liked it.
    3. Given that the annual conference is virtual this year, what are your plans for your general meeting? Are you having one? is it being built in to the virtual schedule in a similar way as it would have been if we were in person?
    4. How are you working awards for your TG? Again, usually the award(s) are presented at the TG general meeting so do you plan on still making that part of the virtual meeting agenda and do you plan on mailing their plaques and/or award money?
    5. What is the state of the new website? How far along is it and when does it plan to be rolled out?

    Thanks everyone for your feedback and suggestions!

    Heather C. Lum, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor
    Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
    Prescott AZ