Council of Technical Groups

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Community forum for the Council of Technical Group chairs
  • 1.  HFES2022 Review

    Posted 03-02-2022 11:44

    Dear All, 
    I am posting this message on behalf of our TG program chair because there is not a TG program chair forum and this issue is kind of important and urgent. If any of you have the information, I think it will be beneficial for others to know as well. Thank you in advance. 

    I was told that Mar 8th is the deadline to assign papers to reviewers, but HART TG program chair Eric Holder told me that the review system is not in place yet so he could not assign the papers. Without the system, we can not proceed. In order to keep the deadline, we really need the review system to be running as soon as possible. Is there a plan for when it will be ready?

    Thanks to HFES for setting up the review form:
    How does each TG get the members' responses? And when?

    P.S. If there is a better way to effectively communicate this topic, please let me know and I will be happy to do it. Thank you!

    Best regards, 

    Lixiao Huang, PhD
    HART TG Chair
    Associate Research Scientist
    Arizona State University

  • 2.  RE: HFES2022 Review

    Posted 03-04-2022 10:54

    Here are the next steps for you as a TG Program Chair to engage in our program set up. We apologize for being somewhat behind on distributing reviewer information; therefore, we have adjusted the deadline to finalize assignments and open reviews to March 18. Additional dates are listed below.

     If you need assistance with your reviewer setup after reading the information below, we will have "office hours" for support on the following dates:

    We will also be posting future communications to our Annual Meeting community ( going forward as well as by email, so I you are encouraged to join. This is a great way to see if other participants have the same questions. 

    Where to get started:

    • Overall Platform Walk-through: we recorded a training session, which you can watch here: It is about 20 minutes long and covers basic access, how to add reviewers, how to assign them to papers and how to notify them. We will provide a separate training in April on how to enter your accept/decline decisions and build sessions.

    • We also strongly recommend using the "User Manual" on the left side of the page when you are in the system. You can type in any keyword and see how the system is set up to work.

    • You can always email There is also the Support Form at the bottom of the User Manual and the platform vendor can offer technical support.

    • Many pages in the platform have "?" icons to provide additional detail, or may have a "help for this page" link at the top right.

     Reviewing Your Submissions:

    • Go to and log in (you should have received an invitation link already. If you did not receive it, please let me know or email to have your access reset.) You should default to your TG Chair role (check the upper left corner of the screen)

    • You will be taken to the Submissions Overview page, which will show you all submissions for your TG based on submission type. Click on any hyperlinked numbers to see the submissions.
      • The system does separate submissions by type, so if you ever feel like you're not seeing all of your track content, check the top of the page. There is a Submission Type drop-down that will show you what you're looking at.
      • In the navigation there is a Spreadsheets option which will allow you to export content if you would rather work in Excel.

    • Click on Details next to any submission to see the information. You can also click on the file links to review submissions, or Packet to download a Zip for that session. There is no mass paper download option.

    • If you need to look at submissions to another track, change your Role (top left corner) to "TGPC Member". This will allow you to look across other tracks, but not to edit them.

    Adding Reviewers:

    • If you have reviewers you would like to add to the system, Go to Reviewers>Invite in the navigation bar.
    • You'll be asked to enter a list of email addresses and to assign a Role; the default role should be a reviewer for your track. Enter the names and click "Search". The system will provide a list of any users already in the system, or you can create a draft account for them (you can leave Institution blank, but please enter First and Last name. First name is part of the invitation email.

    • Compose your invitation. You can customize the language. Please have your reviewers in the system by April 7. The email will come from
      • This only creates an invitation and draft account. Users cannot complete any other steps until they accept their invitation. You cannot email reviewers or assign any work to them until they accept.
      • You can see who has accepted your invitation by going to Reviewers>Roles, and clicking on the Reviewer Role for your TG. This will show a list of accepted users and outstanding invitations.

    • Once your reviewers accept their assignments, they can complete the following profile components:
      • My Conflicts – reviewers can tag authors or institutions where they have a conflict; you will not be able to assign a review to a conflict
      • My Expertise – reviewers can tag their expertise based on the submission keywords to help you during the review assignment process.
    • We will send out a separate note on how to assign reviewers on Monday.

    Helping Authors:

    • If you ever need to extend access for an author to complete a task or add something, but the stage/task is closed, go to Submissions> Deadlines & Status. At the bottom of the page, you can extend access to a single individual or for a particular submission. Please do not change overall deadline dates.

    • If you provide an extension for an author, future deadlines can't be shifted. No new papers or any changes will be accepted after June 6.

     Upcoming Deadlines:

    • March 11 – reviewers added to system
    • March 18 – reviewer assignments complete and released
    • April 25 – reviews due
    • May 5 – Chair decisions due
    • May 10 – accept/reject notifications sent
    • May 20 – Chair sessions/schedules due
    • June 2 – schedule released
    • June 6 – deadline for proceedings papers

    Please direct any questions to Alexis Kolak at

  • 3.  RE: HFES2022 Review

    Posted 03-08-2022 00:41
    Thank you very much for the response. Several TG program chairs said that they have also received this helpful information from HFES a few days ago.  

    Best regards, 

    Lixiao Huang, PhD
    HART TG Chair
    Associate Research Scientist
    Arizona State University